Welcome to my blog, I'm an Italian paper artist and I love all things paper related. My passion is to create pop up greeting cards, paper miniatures and paper flowers. I sell my creations on Etsy, Craftsuprint, Design Bundles and in the real life. I teach how to make papercreations holding online classes and on my Youtube channel. Please have a look around.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Penguins made at quilling in a box - Pinguini creati al quilling in scatola
Today I show a box card I made in these days for Christmas, with 2 super cute penguins made at quilling.
So nice, don't you think? and it's a great Christmas gift idea!
If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you so much and have a good weekend
Oggi vi mostro una scatolina che ho creato in questi giorni e che è un regalo per Natale, con 2 pinguini creati al quilling.
E' davvero carina, non trovate? Ed è sicuramente una bellissima idea regalo.
Se avete delle domande, per favore contattatemi. Grazie mille e buon fine settimana
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Are you looking for a useful, complete and gorgeous printable Planner? Look no further!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Barbapapà family exploding boxes - Biglietti scatoline con la famiglia Barbapapà
I was asked of creating 2 exploding boxes with the female members fo the Barbapapà family and in the pictures below you can have an idea of them. I created the 4 figurines using the quilling technique.
The result is quite gorgoeus! If you have any questions, please contact me. Have a good day
Mi è stato chiesto di creare 2 scatoline con i personaggi femminili della famiglia Barbapapà.
Ho creato le 4 pupazzine utilizzando la tecnica del quilling ed il risultato è davvero molto bello.
Se avete delle domande in merito, per favore contattatemi. Grazie mille e buona giornata