Friday, November 26, 2021

How to create a paper snowman from paper scraps: New step by step tutorial on Youtube

Hi all, I made a new step by step tutorial on my Youtube channel related to how to create a paper snowman from scraps.

You can use this paper snowman as a Christmas tree decoration or as a window decoration or as a bookmark or...the sky's the limit!

I hope you will enjoy this tutorial and if you have any questions, please contact me.

Have a good weekend

Friday, November 19, 2021

Greeting card and box together with paper cake - Biglietto scatolina con torta di carta

Good morning all.

Today I show you one of my latest creations: it's a box greeting card with a paper cake in lilac.

It's a gift idea for a birthday and a great home decor! 

This box greeting card is an eady make and you can create the cake in many different colours :-)

If you have any questions, please contact me. 

Thank you so much and have a good weekend


Oggi vi mostro un biglietto scatolina che ho creato in questi giorni: si tratta di un biglietto scatolina con al centro una torta di carta di color lilla.

Questo tipo di scatolina è sicuramente una bella idea regalo per un compleanno!

E' un biglietto facile da fare e la torta può essere in creata in tantissimi colori diversi.

Se avete delle domande per favore contattate.

Grazie mille e buon fine settimana


Friday, November 12, 2021

New Youtube tutorial: how to create a paper Santa Claus bookmark

Hi all, today I'd like to share with you my latest Youtube tutorial.

In this tutorial step by step you will learn how to create a simple and cute paper Santa Claus that you can use as a bookmark or in many other ways, for example as an embellishment glued on a greeting card.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you have any questions, please contact me.

I wish you a great weekend!

paper Santa Claus tutorial

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Great super Holiday sale from Michelle and Aimee! More infos below...

Calling all planner and personal development lovers!

Michelle and Aimee from The Secret OWL Society are having a 50% off sale on their bestselling products through the month of November.

This is the first time ever that these programs have all been 50% off all at the same time and they don't run sales often, so this is BIG.

Also, they've created a gorgeous Holiday Sale Guide so that you can see exactly what goodies are available and choose your own adventure. 

I personally use their great products to create my digital planners that I sell on 2 marketplaces and it was so easy to create them following these great step by step courses that Michelle and Aimee created with great care and passion!

Click this link to see what's on sale and get their guide:  Click here to grab this super sale!

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