Monday, July 25, 2022

New pair of paper earrings, this time in form of the Moon - Nuovo paio di orecchini di carta, questa volta a forma di luna

I've created a new paper earrings and a new tutorial so you can see and learn how to make them.

They are so nice for this super hot Summer season! and they are made of glitter paper!

You can have a look to the quick tutorial at the following link:

So grab your glitter paper and start to create your new pair of earrings ☺

Have a good evening and rest of the week

Monday, July 18, 2022

New step by step paper earrings tutorial! - Nuovo tutorial step by step per creare orecchini di carta

I've uploaded on my Youtube channel a new tutorial on how to make paper earrings.

These earrings are quite gorgeous and I've added also 2 crystals beads.

So follow the link below and create your new pair of earrings to wear this Summer!

Have a good week!

Monday, July 11, 2022

How to create funny and easy paper flowers - Come creare dei divertenti fiori di carta

I've created a new tutorial on my Youtube channel where you can learn how to create funny and easy paper flowers.

These flowers can be used as a home decoration, for your table, to embellish your Summer parties!

So, have a look to the tutorial and start to create the paper flowers! 

Monday, July 4, 2022

New pair or earrings for this Summer season! - Nuovo paio di orecchini per questa stagione estiva!

Do you fancy to create a new pair of earrings for this Summer season?

Here's the link to my new tutorial on my Youtube channel.

The earrings that you can see in the pic below are quite gorgeous and you can make the in many different colours.

So, go to the tutorial and start to make your eaarings right away!

Ah, sorry...yes, they are made of paper :-)

Have a good day

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